Learn about the benefits of changing to renewable, bio-based plastics (PEF from FDCA) 

Plastic use continues to grow. First and foremost, we must look at replacing plastic with better alternatives, but in the cases where plastic is necessary, we must stop the depletion of fossil sources and generation of fossil-based CO2 by switching to a plastic that is bio-based and renewable.

This white paper outlines a path forward for packaging producers, especially for food and beverage, where replacing plastics is difficult. It presents our new, breakthrough technology to produce FDCA – the key building block for bio-based plastic.

Download the white paper to learn more about: 

  • Problems with non-renewable plastics
  • Why change to renewable, bio-based plastics?
  • FDCA - what is it?
  • Our solution: FuraCore® process
  • New packaging opportunities
  • Properties and benefits of PEF
  • The PEF market and future

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