Find out if CarrEco White by Stora Enso suits your paper bag needs

CarrEco White™is the newest addition in our selection of materials for paper bags. Fulfill your contact information here in order to receive a CarrEco White™ sheet sample. Our local sales representative will contact you personally to discuss the sample delivery.

1  A renewable and recyclable choice
People around the world are looking for alternatives to plastic bags, as the growing demand for plastic replacement is accelerated by legislation and consumer preference.

When ordering takeaway or groceries, the trend is that consumers want their products delivered in renewable and recyclable paper bags. With the help of a strong, fresh fiber based material such as CarrEco White™, you can now easily answer the needs of this growing market, safely and sustainably.
2 The right choice for many uses

Thanks to CarrEco White’s natural purity, high strength properties, great printability and good formation, this paper bag material is suitable for various end-use areas and applications:

Retail bags
Takeaway bags
Grocery bags
Heavy shopping bags
3 The new choice for standing out

People are rethinking their shopping bag choices, but choosing the right shopping bag material is not black and white – it’s Brown and White, just like CarrEco.

With a clear white top and a strong brown inner layer, CarrEco White™ gives you a new colour option to complement CarrEco Brown™, offering the same high tensile and tear strength with a new bright finish. Brown or white, CarrEco is the natural choice for shopping and takeaway bags that strengthen your brand.
Discover CarrEco Brown